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Python Basic
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The time estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,000 Rs. 4,000
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Python Functions, Files and Dictionaires
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The time estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,500 Rs. 5,000
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C Programming For Beginners
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,000 Rs. 4,000
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C Intermediate Course
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The time estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,500 Rs. 5,000
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Introduction of HTML 5
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The estimated time commitment for this course is 3 hrs in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 1,500 Rs. 3,000
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HTML 5 and CSS 3
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The estimated time commitment for this course is 3 hrs in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,000 Rs. 4,000
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Advanced CSS
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The time estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,500 Rs. 5,000
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JavaScript for Beginners
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The time estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 2,500 Rs. 5,000
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JavaScript ES6 for Intermediate
  • Course Duration: 2 Month
  • Instructor Name: Muhammad Sameer
  • The estimated time commitment for this course are 3 days in a week
  • Course Cost: Rs. 3,000 Rs. 6,000


Easy and effective way to get learning of Programming

Lecture In Urdu

All lectures will be given in Urdu language so you can easily understand every single lecture

Acheive Certificate

We also give you certification of every course when you complete it and pass the final exam

Affordable Price

We are offering you these courses in very cheap prices. If you do not believe so you can search about the cost of these courses in abroad and in Pakistan as well. Then you will realise these precious courses are too much expensive there.

Free Trial

For your satisfactory reason we will provide you one day free trial lecture by Mr. Sameer


About me

Hello Everyone, I am

Muhammad Sameer

Web Developer and Programmer

Sam means Beneficiary, the importance of my name is Recipient. This is the way I am, Useful. I was the energetic kid who had once envisioned to be a programmer and to satisfy my own fantasy I have worked very hard. I have begun getting the hang of programming dialects two years back and now here are the productive outcomes. I am the same child teaching you today. Who made a dream come true in the programming world. And that's what I want to see in you. I believe in assurance, I f you are determined, passionate and consistent about anything, one day It will be yours. Have faith , work hard and rule the world in your own way.

House No N-1542, sec 5/J, NK

What is the purpose?

I am a very smart worker person. I am professionally programmer and web developer. First time I start this course for my friends and my peoples Today Pakistani Generation don't know about any technology and programmign that's why we can't go a head and make a great nation, so I decide this courses and I always say nothing is free in this worlds that's why these courses are paid but in cheap amount.


Onsite Students




Online Students

My Skills

  • HTML 5 90%

  • C Programming 85%

  • CSS 3 90%

  • JavaScript 70%

  • Python Programming 65%

  • Bootstrap 4 95%

  • Contact Me

    Karachi, Pakistan

    House no N-1542, Sec-5/J, North Karachi


    Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm

    Ask me your question anytime

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